Graduate Student Affiliates

Applied Economics and Management

Photo of Adrian Haws
Adrian Haws
Labor Economics, Economic History, and the Economics of Immigration.
Photo of Yuma Noritomo
Yuma Noritomo
Development Economics.

Brooks School of Public Policy

Image of Helen Burkhardt
Helen Burkhardt
Intergenerational Mobility, Occupational Choice, Labor
 Gabriel Butler
Health, Labor, and Aging in the US and China
Image of Megan Hyland
Megan Hyland
Health, Aging, Disability, and Social policy
Image of Anton Moore
Anton Moore
Applied Microeconomics, Labor, Crime, and Education
Image of Yongxin Shang
Yongxin Shang 
Health inequality, Family demography, Migration
Image of Jenna Shelton
Jenna Shelton
Child Welfare & Family Policy, Child Poverty, Housing and Homelessness, Juvenile Justice, Education
Image of Laura Sullivan
Laura Sullivan
Poverty, Inequality, Social Policy, Safety Net
Image of Gabrielle Sorresso
Gabrielle Sorresso
Inequality, Behavioral Economics, Gender, and Welfare Policy

City and Regional Planning

Image of Sonia Ahmad
Sonia Ahmad
Adaptation Planning, Water, Institutional Reform, Equity, International Development
Image of Euna Kim
Euna Kim
Housing Rehabilitation, Affordable Housing, Equity Planning, Urban Conservation
Photo of Hazel Lee
Hazel Lee
Energy Transition in the Global South; Households as Agents of Change; Spatial Analysis


Image of Bharathy Premachandra
Bharathy Premachandra
Social Inequity, Social Interventions, Metascience, Education, Health, Policy
Image of Megan Sawey
Megan Sawey
Digital Labor, Gender, Interpersonal Relationships, Intersections of Commodification and Companionship

Computer Science

Image of Richard Phillips
Richard Phillips
Social Impacts of Machine Learning, Social Networks, Network Science, Model Interpretability


Image of Sharan Banerjee
Sharan Banerjee
International Economics, Public and Political Economy
Photo of Jadon Buzzard
Jadon Buzzard
Public Economics & Labor Economics, with an emphasis in policing, vulnerable populations, and crime
Image of Matt Comey
Matthew Comey
Local Public Finance, Urban Economics, and Education Policy
Image of Senan Hogan-Hennessy
Senan Hogan-Hennessy
Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics, Data Science
Image of Vrinda Kapoor
Vrinda Kapoor
Labor Economics, Health Economics, Gender Equality
Photo of Yaling Xu
Yaling Xu
Labor Economics, Economics of Education, Health Economics

Global Development

Photo of Kyunghee Kang
Kyunghee Kang
Global Governance, Climate Justice, Forced Displacement, Gender


Image of Trevor Brown
Trevor Brown
American politics, political economy, public policy, and economic and political inequality
Image of Grace Beals
Grace Beals
American politics, Credit markets, State-level regulation of payday loans and their impact on the economic outcomes of borrowers
Image of Jacob Harris
Jacob Harris
American Politics, Public Opinion, Criminal Justice, Mass Incarceration, Political Psychology, Heuristics, Voting Behavior, Elections
Image of Joseph Lasky
Joseph Lasky
Ethnic politics, nationalism, conflict, and genocide with a regional focus on sub-Saharan Africa
Photo of Marilia Machado
Marilia Machado
Comparative Politics, Taxation, Redistribution, Wealth Tax
Image of Adrienne Scott
Adrienne Scott
American Politics, Comparative Social Welfare Policy, Poverty, Inequality, Race and Ethnic Politics, Women and Politics, Federalism

Human Centered Design

Image of Tuvshinzaya Amarzaya
Tuvshinzaya Amarzaya
Environmental Psychology, Affordable Housing Design


Human Development

Photo of Sophie Belfield
Sophie Belfield
Gender inequalities around health; Menstruation and menstrual pain and the impact and experience on young people
Image of Michael Creim
Michael Creim
Psychology and Law; Stigma, Prejudice, and Stereotypes; Intergroup Differences; Sense of Purpose in Life; Juror Decision Making; Judge and Juror Trial Biases; and Conceptions of Mens Rea
Photo of Samantha De León Sautu
Samantha De León Sautu
Biological Calibration to Developmental Environment, Social Yielding, Social Emotional Regulation, Transgenerational Transmission of Stress
Photo of Jiwoo Kim
Jiwoo Kim 
Quantitative methods, Causal inference
Missing media item.Yi Lu
Developmental Psychology, Older Adults, Self-Concepts, Decision-making, Health Trajectories

Industrial and Labor Relations

Image of Tiffany Darabi
Tiffany Darabi
Social Entrepreneurship; Organizations as Social Actors; Calling and Occupational Alignment
Image of Adam (Chuling) Huang
Adam (Chuling) Huang
Labor; International Migration; China in Africa.
Image of Dongwoo Park
Dongwoo Park
Labor unions; Employment
Photo of Peter Polhill
Peter Polhill
Labor Market; Policy; Migration; Race
Image of Ling Tao
Ling Tao
Organization, China Labor, Political Sociology, Cultural Sociology
Photo of Wen Li Thian
Wen Li Thian
Labor, Organizations, Technology

Information Science

Photo of Travis Lloyd
Travis Lloyd
AI and Inequality, Public Interest Technology, Human-Computer Interaction
Photo of Joy Ming
Joy Ming
Technology and Collective Action, Design Justice, Global Health Equity, Future of Work

Landscape Architecture

Image of Xinying Zou
Xinying Zou
Disability Employment Policy and Law, Environmental Inequality


Natural Resources & the Environment

Image of Celeste Carmichael
Celeste Carmichael
Youth and families connecting to the natural world, Underserved audiences
Image of Sierra Hicks
Sierra Hicks
Co-generation, Inequity, Indigenous Data Sovereignty, Indigenous Knowledge Sovereignty, Policy


Image of Bianca Waked
Bianca Waked
Philosophy of Law (esp Critical Race Legal Theory), Philosophy of Language, Arab Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Disabilities


Photo of Kirstan Brodie
Kirstan Brodie
Intergroup Cognition, Stereotyping, Prejudice, Social Neuroscience
Image of Rose Brown
Rose Brown
Code-Switching; Language and Dialect Use; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; Scale Development; Virtual Reality
Photo of Wicia Fang
Wicia Fang
Social Status, Person Perception, Social Connection, Social Networks, Socioeconomic Gaps
Randy T. Lee Photo
Randy T. Lee
Social Connection, Social Exclusion, Social Preferential Treatment, Interventions
Photo on Minghui Ni
Minghui Ni
Social Cognition, Implicit Evaluations, Stereotyping and Prejudice, Bias Confrontation, Diversity and Inequality


Image of Erika Abbott
Erika Abbott
Gender, Family, Low-wage labor, and STEM
Image of Iman Alsmadi
Iman Alsmadi
Immigration, Crimmigration, Incarceration, Inequality, and Media
Image of Lili Dodderidge
Lili Dodderidge
Education, Neighborhoods & Poverty, Juvenile Justice, Public Policy, and Demography
Image of Nan Feng
Nan Feng
Economic Sociology, Social Stratification, and Social Networks
Image of Maria-Jose Flor Agreda
Maria-Jose Flor Agreda
Family Demography, Gender and Labor Inequalities, Care Work, Intersectional Policy Analysis, and Mixed Methods
Photo of Thelonious-Goerz
Thelonious Goerz
Demography, Urban Sociology, Quantitative Methods, Health and Aging
Image of Jacqueline Ho
Jacqueline Ho
Valuation and evaluation, Perceptions of inequality, Education, Singapore, Knowledge, and Culture
Image of Wonjeong (Claire) Jeong
Wonjeong (Claire) Jeong
Inequality, Inter- and Intra-Generational Mobility, Cross-National Comparison, Quantitative Methods, and Demography
Image of Hyo Joo Lee
Hyo Joo Lee
Gender Inequality, Social Stratification, Women in STEM
Image Hao Ling
Hao Ling
Immigration, Urban Sociology, Demography, Sequence Analysis
Image of Mary Beth Morrisey
Mary Beth Morrisey
Emotions and Therapeutic Culture, Gender, Intimate Relationships, and Inequality
Image of Kira Olsen-Medina
Kira Olsen-Medina
Immigration Policy, Education, and Social Stratification
Image of Alvaro Padilla Pozo
Álvaro Padilla-Pozo
Social Demography, Health and Spatial Inequality, Human Mobility, Quantitative Methods
Image of Tianyao Qu
Tianyao Qu
Social Networks, Economic Sociology, and Media and Culture
Image of Cody Arlie Reed
Cody Arlie Reed
Social Stratification and Mobility
Photo of Jillian Royal
Jillian Royal
Social Policy, Poverty and Inequality, Gender, Race and Ethnicity
Image of Nathalia Santos
Nathália Santos
Social Networks, Social Simulation, Cybersecurity, Social Behavior, Decision-Making, Poverty, and Urban Sociology
Image of Juhwan Seo
Juhwan Seo
Immigration, Race and Ethnicity, Inequality, Gender and Sexuality, and Culture
Image of Chance Smith
Chance Smith
Social Movements, Race, Social Theory, and Mixed-Methodology
Image of Wesley Stubenbord
Wesley Stubenbord
Social Stratification, Economic Sociology, and Organizations
Image of Michael Tang
Michael Tang
Political Sociology, Computational Sociology, Social Psychology
Image of Zhonghao Wang
Zhonghao Wang
Social Networks, Inequality, Health, and Economic Sociology
Image of Xuewen (Shelley) Yan
Xuewen (Shelley) Yan
Network Analysis, Knowledge and Culture, Health, Theory, and Chinese Studies
Image of Haowen Zheng
Haowen Zheng
Social Stratification and Demography
Image of Zhipeng Zhou
Zhipeng Zhou
Inequality and Social Stratification, Economic Sociology, Work and Employment, Quantitative Methodology

Systems Engineering

Image of Sierra Hicks
Sierra Hicks
Participatory Modeling, Power Dynamics, Ethics, Inequity, Indigenous Communities, and Data Sovereignty

